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First Trimester :
The zygote begins to divide into several cells and an ____________________ forms . The ____________________ attaches to the ____________________ of the uterus ( ____________________ ) .
The ____________________ ____________________ forms around the embryo . It is a membrane full of ____________________ that protects the embryo .
The placenta forms at this time . The ____________________ is an organ that permits the exchange of substances between the mother's ____________________ and the ____________________ through the ____________________ ____________________ .
Second Trimester :
The embryo becomes a ____________________ .
It grows and all the ____________________ begin to form inside .
It starts to take on human form and begins to ____________________ .
Third Trimester :
The fetus continues to ____________________ and mature . After the ____________________ month , the development of the body is complete , although the ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ are not yet mature .
Around the ____________________ month , the fetus engages with the head towards the opening of the ____________________ , in preparation for ____________________ .