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Where there's smoke there's fire

Every cloud has a silver lining

What goes around comes around

Where there's life there's hope

Once bitten twice shy

When in Rome do as the Romans do

Nothing ventured nothing gained

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it

It's important to take a risk in order to get something good.

Someone is frightened to do something again because he/she had an unpleasant experience doing it the first time.

If bad rumors are running, there is probably a good reason for it.

So long as one is alive, then there remains the hope of recovery or improvement, regardless of what bad happened in the past.

Every unpleasant or difficult situation has some advantange.

when you are visiting another country, you should adjust to the habits and lifestyle of the people in that country

Let's face difficulties as they happen and not worry uselessly about them beforehand.

the consequences of one's actions will have to be dealt with eventually.