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Curricular Proposal includes...

Educative project includes...


RD 126/2014 art 15

LOMLOE art 121

SCHOOL CURRICULAR PROJECT (curricular proposal)

Evaluation criteria according to the LEGAL framework, should be...


Evaluation types according to the agents assessing the TLP)

Multiplicity principle





advocates there is not an only valid method, but methodology rather varies according to the content, objectives, students, teacher, context.

INITIAL (extract essential info from the stds and families CONTINUOUS (checking to what extent objectives are being achieved) SUMMATIVE (checking to what extent objectives have been achieved)

analysis of the socio-cultural context of the centre, the identity signs of the school, the educational objectives and action priorities, the general organisation of the school , collaboration among the different members of the school community, as well as other institutions, the specifications of the curriculum established by the educative admin.

SELF -EVALUATION. value their own construction of K CO-EVALUATION, HETERO-EVALUATION (t evaluates process) META-EVALUATION

GENERALoffer common education of quality , ORDINARY - negative evaluation, lately incorporated, learning difficulties and resit), SPECIFIC adopted when ordinary are not sufficient(extraordinary measures: specific support, retake, flexible cv...), EXCEPTIONAL permanence of one more course ACNEEs, special education schooling, flexible schooling for gifted sts)

adjustment of the precripstive curriculum to the characteristics of the school and included the specification of the objectives, contents, methodological principles and evaluation criteria

FORMATIVE (guiding the proces, providing info to improve TLP) CONTINUOUS (detecting diff) MEANINGFUL (within real situations and contexts) GLOBAL (reference to KC and general objectives, sts progress)

constitute the reference for determining the degree of acquisition of the key competences and the achievement of the Stage objectives within the continuous and final evaluation of the foreign language area.

WHAT must be taught, WHEN must it be taught, HOW must it be taught and WHAT must be ASSESSED.

planning instrument that specifies a set of decisions related to the basic educational options and the general organisation of the school, which are accepted by all the school community, being elaborated by the management team and approved by the Director, and not the Teaching Cloister (as stated by LOMCE, art 132)

centres will develop and complete the curriculum

hasn't changed so Educative project is the concretion of the curriculum with the teaching cloister fixing and approving the concretion.

classroom: individual and shared tasks. Alternative spaces: inside the centre (computer classroom, library and outside the centre (park, sports cente ...) - Flexible, heterogeneous, horseshoe arrangement. - Flexible (allowing T to teach without gaps) - Varied, stimulating, examples: textbook, flashcards...)

set of strategies, procedures, and actions consciously and reflectively planned by the teacher, in order to facilitate the student's learning and the achievement of the objectives.