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1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Cicero
4. St. Thomas Aquinas
5. Niccolo Machiavelli

Any law not rooted in natural law is invalid

Good government has a constitution even if it is unwritten

Humans apply God's rules to individual behaviors by way of conscience

Only humans have free will and the ability to reason

Humans' fundamental inclination is to find God's presence

Natural law is the result of humans' reasoning and an innate sense of justice

Ruling is a science and you have to be trained how to do it

A republican government must be responsive to the people & able to adapt

Natural law is in every human heart and cannot be abolished for that reason

The ideal singular ruler ('The Prince') is decisive, bold, cruel when necessary, and takes a genuine interest in people

Natural law is God's design for each creature to act in proscribed ways

A constitution includes shared understandings of life and the purpose of government

The best government mixes monarchy and democracy

Republics require an educated population, especially elites

Emphasizes the practicality of government, rather than idealism

A good government is merely one that follows the laws