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Well, Helen is bringing the rest in a while. Let's cook something in the meantime.

Hey, I'm having a party tonight. See you there?

Are you coming to our Xmas dinner, Jessie?

Are Liam and Sara breaking up or something? They look pretty upset to each other.

I'd like to join mom and dad in the weekend, they're going skiing. Would you like to come?

Can you speak louder? Next door music is so loud that I'm not getting anything you say!

It's sunny darling, do you fancy going to the beach?

It's taking too long here, let go to other place.

I just said the cops are coming! I called them to make the neighbors turn it down! How annoying!

Not really, but I hope they do so soon. I'm fed up with their arguments.

Sure, just wait a second. I'm taking the towels out of the dryer.

Sorry dear, I have a date at 8PM.

Alright, I'm boiling some water for a pasta. Would you preheat the oven, please?

I'm not into snow sports, but I'll go anyway. I'm gonna get good selfies at least.

It's not that bad, just a standard waiting time because of the holidays.

I don't think so, I'll work all December. It's a busy season.