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I am the biggest planet in the Solar System and I have a huge storm going on all the time.

I am a set of planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteroids. I have a big star called the Sun.

I am a gas planet and I have big rings made from ice, rocks and dust surrounding me.

We look like snowballs and we are made from rocks and ice. We usually head towards other space bodies such us the Sun.

I am the smallest planet of the Solar System and the closest to the Sun.

I am called the red planet because I am covered of rusty dust.

We are always stormy and the most cold planets of the Solar System.

We are made of rock and there are millions of us! We orbit the Sun just like the planets.

We are satellites and we orbit planets and asteroids from our Solar System.

I am a star and I give warmth to other space bodies surrounding me such as planets.

I am so covered in water that I am almost all blue. I have a lot of different species living on me.

I am a rocky planet and the hottest one in the Solar System. My air is poisonous to humans.


The Solar System








Uranus and Neptune

