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ST segment depression

code blue

non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (abbreviation)

Aspirin - ASA

transient ischemic attack (TIA)

code team


ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (abbreviation)



T wave inversion



a situation in which the T wave deflects downward from the isoelectric line rather than upward; can be associated with ischemia, especially when paired with ST segment depression.

an emergency signal used in healthcare settings to alert staff to a needed response while preventing panic and stress among patients and visitors

a type of heart attack marked on an EKG tracing by an ST segment elevated at least one millimeter (one small block) above the isoelectric line.

Increasing the amount of __________ can help the cardiac muscle when the patient is having dyspnea. A face mask or nasal cannula can be used.

decreases blood clotting; tablet should be chewed and swallowed to increase the effect of the drug.

message alerting designated staff to report to a cardiac arrest in the facility.

group of healthcare workers designated to respond to emergency codes in a medical facility

a heart attack that does not show elevation of the ST segment on an EKG tracing

Associated with ischemia of the heart. Abnormal EKG with the ST segment at least one millimeter below the isoelectric line.

a medication sometimes given during cardiac emergencies to relax or dilate the coronary arteries; vasodilator

a warning sign of a CVA/stroke resulting from a temporary lack of oxygen in the brain; symptoms may last up to 24 hours


chest pain

inhaling oral secretions into the lungs