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Are there any jobs around the house that you absolutely hate ____________________ ?
Can I ____________________ a suggestion ? Let's stay in instead and watch a DVD together . What do you think ?
Jack ____________________ his best to win but it wasn't good enough - he got third place in the competition . : - (
My ideal holiday would mean lying on the beach and ____________________ nothing for two weeks !
My mum usually ____________________ her shopping at the weekend because she has no time Monday to Friday .
My sister is the most indecisive person I know . For her , ____________________ a decision takes ages ! !
Richard Fleming , the multi - millionaire , ____________________ his money as a venture capitalist in the 90's .
Robert Scott was a polar explorer who led two British expeditions to the Antarctic . He wanted to be the first man to reach the South Pole but died ____________________ the attempt . His mistake was using horses to ____________________ this difficult journey .
Who ____________________ your hair ? I'd like to change my hairdresser and I wouldn't mind trying yours .