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Okay , okay , I see what's ____________________ , yeah
You're face - to - face with ____________________ and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel , it's ____________________
Well , it's nice to see that ____________________ never change
Open your eyes , let's begin
Yes , it's really me , it's Maui , ____________________ it in
I know it's a lot : the hair , the ____________________
When you're staring at a demigod

What can I say ____________________ " you're welcome " ?
For the ____________________ , the sun , the sky
Hey , it's okay , it's okay , you're ____________________
I'm just an ____________________ demi - guy

Hey , what has two thumbs and ____________________ up the sky
When you were waddling yay high ? This guy
When the nights got cold , who ____________________ you fire from down below ?
____________________ looking at him , yo
Oh , also I lassoed the sun , you're welcome
To ____________________ your days and bring you fun
Also , I harnessed the breeze , you're welcome
To fill your ____________________ and shake your trees

So , what can I say except " you're welcome " ?
For the ____________________ I pulled from the sea
There's no need to ____________________ , it's okay , you're welcome ( Ha )
I guess it's just my way of ____________________ me
You're welcome , you're welcom e