Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Get depressed

Go for a drink/ a walk/ a meal

Take a look

Get on with someone

Get married

Take after someone

Go on a diet

Go off something

Do someone a favour

Do housework

Take responsability/ Take the blame

Go home

Do your best

Do exercise

Take part in

Take a taxi

Return to your house

Go on a vehicule or car

eating less food or only particular kinds of food in order to lose weight.

Accept that you are the responsable of something

to be or remain friendly with someone

to stop liking something or lose interest in it.

Assist to a place to drink or eat something

Become depressed

Turn your attention to, examine

To be involved in some activity or to participate in something

Action of get the work of keeping a house clean and tidy done

Become wife and husband

Put good effort, do all one can.

to do a kind and helpful act for a person

to behave or to look like another family member or person

To do physical activities to make your body strong and healthy