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17 . ____________________ was the religion that spread the most through the Trans - Saharan caravan trade and along the Mediterranean coast of Africa .
18 . A popular medical encyclopedia , written during the Muslim Golden Age by ____________________ ____________________ , was used for centuries in both the Arab world and Europe .
19 . ____________________ ____________________ helped spread Islam in West Africa during the Mali Empire and was famous for his hajj to Mecca .
20 . The ____________________ ____________________ system allowed the exchange of slaves , silk , and spices from Asia into East Africa .
21 . Many ____________________ religions of Africa , or those that are native to Africa , share a common belief in animism , or the presence of spirits within nature .
22 . The ____________________ ____________________ established isolationist policy and heavy taxes for peasants in Japan .
23 . The Catholic Church had an enormous impact on the daily life of an average person during the
____________________ ____________________ in Europe .
24 . The ____________________ ____________________ was the first of the ? Gunpowder Empires ? to use gunpowder artillery , such as large cannons , to expand their territory .