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Jouer Compléter
1 . Jack : Hi , Ismael . How are you ?
Ismael : Hi , Jack . I ? m OK but I ? ve got loads of ____________________

2 . Jack : We don ? t know . We can ? t decide . There ? s that new ____________________ film , ? Light and dark ? .

3 . Jack : OK , well there ? s a ____________________ about a school

4 . Ismael : Oh , no more school , please ! What about a ____________________ ?

5 . Jack : What ? Really ? No , I hate romantic films . I like ____________________ .

6 . Ismael : Well , there ? s a new science fiction film , ? Alien attacks ? .
Jack : OK , I like ____________________ ____________________ . Let ? s see that .

7 . Ismael : At 8 o ? clock . Let ? s meet at 7 . 30 ____________________ the cinema .

8 . Jack : OK . ____________________ you ____________________ .