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Relation State/Church: Catholicism is the state religion

Sovereignty: Shared between the King and the Cortes (Spanish nation)

Rights: Larger list of individual rights. Some colective rights are recognized

The Constitution of 1845 represents their values

Sovereignty: National (Spanish nation)

Model of State: Centralized government

Espadon: Narváez

The Constitution of 1837 represents their values

Term in office: 2 years

Espadón: Espartero

Term in office: 22 years

Relation State/Church: Just as the conservative liberals, they also defend that Catholicism is the state religion of Spain

Rights: Short list of individual rights. No colective right is recognized

Model of State: Centralized government but more freedom in local institutions (city councils)

Right to vote: census suffrage but larger than the other liberal party

Right to vote: very strict census suffrage

Who are they: Liberals who prioritize order over freedom

Who are they: Liberals who prioritize freedom over order