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Laughing is Good for You ? Seriously
It is a sad fact ( 1 ) ____________________ adults laugh far less than children , sometimes ( 2 ) ____________________ as much as a couple of hundred times a day . Just take a ( 3 ) ____________________ at people's faces on the way to work or in the office : you'll be lucky to see a smile , let ( 4 ) ____________________ hear a laugh . This is a shame - especially in ( 5 ) ____________________ of the fact that scientists have proved that laughing is good for you .
There are many ( 6 ) ____________________ why we might laugh less in adult life : perhaps we are too work - obsessed , or too embarrassed to ( 7 ) ____________________ our emotions show . Some psychologists simply believe that children have more naive responses , and as adults we naturally grow ( 8 ) ____________________ of spontaneous reactions .
Luckily , it is possible to relearn the art of laughter . In India , ? laughter clinics' have been growing ( 9 ) ____________________ popularity over the last few years , thanks to the efforts of Dr Madan Kataria , ( 10 ) ____________________ work has won him a devoted following . Dr Kataria believes that his laughing techniques can help to strengthen the immune system and lower stress levels , ( 11 ) ____________________ other things . He teaches his patients different laughs or giggles to relax specific parts of the body . Now , laughter clubs following Dr Kataria's teachings have been ( 12 ) ____________________ up in more than 105 countries around the world .