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Amendments are ____________________ to a document . The US ____________________ was passed without securing the rights of the people so , by compromise , the document was changed . The first ____________________ Amendments are called the Bill of ____________________ . Unable to decide which was most important , the founders included 5 items in the ____________________ Amendment . Secured is Freedom of ____________________ , Religion , ____________________ , Assembly , and your right to petition your government . Because the British made colonists house ____________________ in their homes , the ____________________ amendment now protects you from having to do that . The ____________________ Amendment protects people from unreasonable ____________________ and seizure because the British searched ____________________ property without cause . To keep our country safe the founders included the ____________________ Amendment so citizens could keep guns in order to maintain ____________________ . The people who founded the USA feared the government might abuse its citizens so the ____________________ Amendment contains rights of the accused . The ____________________ Amendment says your trial must occur within a reasonable amount of ____________________ and the ____________________ Amendment protects you from ____________________ punishment .
Several Amendments deal with ____________________ . The ____________________ says people as young as ____________________ can vote . The 24th abolished ____________________ ____________________ . The ____________________ set term limits for ____________________ . Women's suffrage came with the ____________________ Amendment and all males , regardless of color , can ____________________ , with the ____________________ Amendment . The only Amendment which restricted people's rights was the ____________________ which outlawed alcohol . It was ____________________ . And maybe the ____________________ , which created the ____________________ tax .