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Tom ____________________ a terrible day at work .
But really , the problems ____________________ at home . First thing in the morning , his
alarm ____________________ go off . So when Tom finally ____________________ up , he ____________________ already late for
work . He ____________________ nearly an hour late , and his boss was angry .
Tom ____________________ a lot to do all day long . He ____________________ emails from the departments
in other countries , and he ____________________ them . He ____________________ a plan for the next big
project the company is going to work on . He ____________________ a lot of phone calls . He
____________________ a lot of coffee .
At 1 o'clock he ____________________ to lunch . He went to the café on the corner and ____________________ a
turkey sandwich . It ____________________ good , but not great .
After lunch , he ____________________ a meeting with his boss . They ____________________ about Tom's plan
for the next big project . Tom's boss ____________________ very impressed . He made some
suggestions that Tom didn't ____________________ , and ____________________ Tom back to his office to think
about a new plan .
Tom ____________________ the rest of the day in his office . He ____________________ more emails and
he ____________________ more phone calls .
When he finally ____________________ work , he was exhausted . He ____________________ home , ____________________
dinner and ____________________ to be d