Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Formacion y terminacion -inge y -end

Adjetivos cuantitativos

adjetivos demostrativos.

El adjetivo va despues del verbo

El adjetivo va antes del sustantivo.

Adjetivos calificativos o descriptivos

Adjetivos posesivos

Adjetivos interrogativos

Adjetivos calificativos utiles

Adjetivos calificativos numericos

the red sweater the old building my cat El adjetivo va antes del sustantivo.

I have some doubts about your idea. any some many much

I watched a very interesting movie yesterday.

el adjetivo despues del verto To be to become to feel to look to seem to smell to taste The child looks happy

my dog is playing with your son my/mine your/yours his/ her/hers its our/ours youyours their/theirs

Wh questions which hamburger do you want? what where wich whose why

one, two, three.... first, second, third.... i liked the first wine

The fat cat is here again

this that these those

Bad, beautiful, better, big, cold, delicious, good, hot, long, tiny