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Complete the waitress phrases .

WAITRESS : Are you ready to ____________________ ?
JENNY : Yes , please .
WAITRESS : Can I get you something to ____________________ with ?
JENNY : No , thank you . I'd like the tuna with a green salad .
WAITRESS : And you sir ?
ROB : I'll have the steak , please .
WAITRESS : Would you like that with fries or a baked ____________________ .
ROB : Fries , please .
WAITRESS : How would you like your steak ? Rare , ____________________ or well done ?
ROB : Well done .
HOLLY : Nothing for me .
WAITRESS : OK . And to ____________________ ?
JENNY : Water , please .
WAITRESS : ____________________ or sparkling ?
JENNY : Sparkling .

WAITRESS : The tuna for you ma'am and the steak for you ____________________ .
JENNY : I'm sorry , but I asked for a green salad , not fries .
WAITRESS : No problem . I'll ____________________ it .

ROB : Excuse me .
WAITRESS : Yes , sir ?
ROB : Sorry , I asked for my steak well done and this is rare .
WAITRESS : I'm really sorry . I'll ____________________ it back to the kitchen .