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1. Area 1. Information and data literacy
2. Area 2. Communication and collaboration
3. Area 3. Digital content creation
4. Area 4. Safety
5. Area 5. Problem solving area

Area 1. Information and data literacy

Area 5. Problem solving area

Area 4. Safety

I search, explore and experiment with emerging digital technologies that help me stay updated and cover possible gaps in the digital competence needed for teaching and professional development.

Area 3. Digital content creation

I develop taks and activities to teach my students about copyright in content distributed online

I can create digital educational activities on protection of personal data.

I critically assess the different possible environments, tools and services offered to solve technological problems related to my teaching work and select the most appropriate solution to the needs in every moment.

I know how to locate digital educational resources relevant to my teaching

I produce and make my students produce digital content in different formats, such as text documents, multimedia presentations, images, video or audio recordings, using online applications.

I asses the quality of educational resources on the internet in terms of accuracy and alignment with the curriculum.

I have the skills to communicate digitally following and respecting the rules of netiquette and I am aware and respectful of cultural diversity in the scope of digital communication.

I can choose the most appropriate tool for digital interaction based on my interests and needs as a teacher, as well as the recipients of communication.

Area 2. Communication and collaboration

I know how to protect myself and others from cyberbullying