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Are you looking for any special color?

How do you like them?

They're beautiful! How much are they?

Good morning! Can I help you?

Can I pay with my credit card?

Where can I try them on?

Here's your receipt. Thanks for shopping with us. Have a nice day!

What size are you?

Your total comes to $30,99. Anything else?

You're so kind! Have a nice day too. Bye.

Oh I love them! They're really cool! I'll take them.

Sure! There's a pin pad at the checkout.

I want them black. Do you have any black pants in stock?

The changing rooms are over there!

Sure! I'm looking for some pants.

That's it, thanks. Here's my credit card.

They're only $30.99. They´re on sale this week.

I always wear medium.