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The poet describes his experience of what he ____________________ in the Laburnum tree . It begins by describing how the leaves of the tree are ____________________ . Moreover , he notices that the ____________________ is still and remains silent even in the month of September .

Due to the ____________________ season , the tree has lost all its leaves and the seeds are on the ground . Most noteworthily , the poet uses ? yellow' to describe both , the leaves colour and the ____________________ . Over here , yellow represents silence , death and beauty . Thus , he uses this colour and describes the whole ____________________ perfectly .

After that , he notices that the death - like scene of the tree comes to an end when a ____________________ bird perches on it . The tree makes a sudden ____________________ sound upon the bird's arrival . He compares the quickness , speed and ____________________ of the bird to that of a ____________________ .

When she starts moving towards the ____________________ of the branch , the nestlings start chirping and ____________________ their wings . Thus , due to this movement , the tree also starts shaking and ____________________ . Thus , we notice how the poet gives two contrasting ____________________ while describing the tree . First was that it was death - like and then it gains life after the bird lands on it .

Further , the poet finally ____________________ that the goldfinch bird and the tree are ____________________ and machine respectively . When she brings food for the little ____________________ , she moves to the end of the other branch . He describes the bird's appearance . It has a ____________________ face which is dark in colour .

After that , her body is yellow and thus blends in with the yellow ____________________ of the tree . Finally , after reaching the branch end , she makes a rather sweet chirping sound . The poet compares this sound to ____________________ as she flies away in the limitless sky . Thus , after the bird leaves the tree , the Laburnum tree once again becomes silent and death - like .