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1. Presentation, Practice and Production
2. Communicative approach
3. Total Physical Response (TPR)
4. Task-based Learning (TBL)
5. Direct method
6. Realia

Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.

Communication is the most important aspect of language.

Teacher presents authentic information about culture through this method.

Fluency is more important than accuracy.

Language is a tool for communicating meaning through use of functions, vocabulary, structures, discourse.

radio programs, helps students bridge the gap between what they learn in classrooms and the outside world.

The teacher inputs language and guides students

Learning takes place when learners are relaxed.

Language is learned by using it.

Grammatical structures and functions are the most important aspect of language

Grammar is taught inductively.

grammatical structures and vocabulary are the most important aspect of language