Créer une activité
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1 . I'm not dangerous . Don't be afraid of ____________________ .
2 . I don't like this music ; ____________________ is boring . Can you stop ____________________ ?
3 . That's my money . Can you give ____________________ to ____________________ ? I need it .
4 . Susan is in trouble and ____________________ needs help . We have to help ____________________ .
5 . Jack is very special . I think I'm in love with ____________________ .
6 . We are going to the cinema . Do you want to come with ____________________ ?
7 . I don't want to eat this cheese . ____________________ smells horrible .
8 . Don't eat cookies . ____________________ are very unhealthy .
9 . I can't find Sally . Where is ____________________ ?
10 . ____________________ need help . Can you help us ?