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It is used instead of a noun or noun phrase in a sentence. A pronoun may take place of the name of a person, place or thing. Examples: I, me, we, you, he, she, yours, himself, its, my, that, this, those, us, who, whom

It connects words, phrases or clauses in a sentence. Examples: And, however, still, but, or, so, after, since, before, either, neither, because, unless…

It describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence. Examples: Neatly, in the market, every day, tomorrow, very, badly, fully, carefully, hardly, nearly, hungrily, never, quickly, silently, well, really, almost…

Word that names animals, people, places, ideas, things or events. Examples: Jeffrey, Korea, pen, New Year, dog, cat, elephant, garden, school, work, music, town, etc.

It is used before a noun, pronoun, or gerund to show place, time, direction; in a sentence. Examples: In, on, at, about, apropos, according to, after, along, above, except, from, near, of, before, since, between, upon, with, to, after, toward…