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She ____________________ my mom . She ____________________ living in ____________________ . She likes to ____________________ by plane on vacations .

I ____________________ working in a big ____________________ . I am very ____________________ there because I ____________________ travel every day to different ____________________ .

My ____________________ walks every ____________________ in the park .

She ____________________ my wife . I ____________________ her too much . She ____________________ loving to me too . She ____________________ to travel by ____________________ .

It ____________________ a tiger . That ____________________ a lion . Those ____________________ some birds . These ____________________ some ____________________ . This ____________________ a bull . It ____________________ a dog .

I ____________________ my life . I prefer ____________________ travel by ____________________ ship through the ____________________ .

I ____________________ to listen to ____________________ music every ____________________ . ____________________ enjoy to watch ____________________ in the television .

My computer ____________________ the best on the ____________________ .

I wake ____________________ every ____________________ very early to ____________________ to ____________________ .

We are studying a ____________________ in the ____________________ .