Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

We value other's ideas, contribution and differences by using empathy & active listening.

We express DISAGREEMENTS with ideas, not individuals. Best Practice: Offer solutions/suggestions if in disagreement.

We are ONE team, so be SUPPORTIVE rather than judgmental and COLLABORATE.

Participation also involves voicing our concerns & challenging ideas. Speak up & be heard!

One step forward is better than no step; be keen for all ideas and don't be influenced from past experience.

We focus on the session. - Therefore we close outlook, - put our phones on mute, and - set the Slack status to "do not disturb."

Be concise; timebox everything, and hold each other accountable.

Ask questions for clarification to help avoid making assumptions and check for common understanding.

Stay on Topic: Use the parking lot when needed & signal when off topic.

Decide on the decision making approach(es) / tool(s) that will be used upfront & support whatever decisions are made.