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Rubber Bands

Step 2 of the Engineering Design Process


When you build your arm it is fragile so be careful (True or False)


Triceps Muscle

Balsa wood

Several short distances

Biceps Muscle

Prosthetic Arm

The ball can roll to the target (True or False)

Step 1 of Engineering Design Process



Design and build a prototype prosthetic arm that throws accurately at short distances

This what the structure of the arm will be made out of

Smaller balsa wood version of a real prosthetic arm.

Number of parts that the arm is made out of

Research prosthetic arms and how they work so that we can design a prototype more successfully

Arm made from a variety of different materials that is used to replace an arm that has been lost.

This is what will be the muscles on the balsa wood prototype arm

Distance in meters we are attempting to throw the ball
