Créer une activité

How to share activities and save results of all your players

Share the link of your activity, players click on "Click here to identify yourself" right before starting it, they write a name and... that's it! Getting scores from your players in Educaplay is that easy. They don't need have an account or register anywhere. If you want to do it grouping several of your activities or the ones you saved as favorites, you can do it with just a few clicks creating a challenge. If you want to go all the way with it, the following video is the place to learn all there is to know about challenges: Your students only need an Educaplay account if they want to see their results anytime. They will also need it to create their own games, which by the way is an awesome way for them to use Educaplay in their learning. Have you ever tried to give them the control so they surprise you with their creations? We hope that was helpful! Reach us below or at for any doubt or thought. Don't forget to share this with your colleagues!