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1 . Infections caused by ( v ) ____________________ are more difficult to treat than those caused by bacteria .

2 . Monica keeps catching colds becasue her body's ( d ) ____________________ are low .

3 . Keith had been exercising for over an hour so the ( sw ) ____________________ was pouring down his face .
4 . I got a ( bl ) ____________________ on my little toe when I wore my new shoes .

5 . My son must be allergic to shrimp , because he breaks out in a ( r ) ____________________ every time he eats them .

6 . The doctor prescribed ( an ) ____________________ for my throat infection .

7 . Matt got eight ( s ) ____________________ in his eyebrown when he cut it playing basketball .

8 . Peter's primary care physician sent him to a heart ( sp ) ____________________ to find out what's causing the pain in his chest .

9 . I thought I had a cold , but when I got a fever , I realized it must be the ( f ) ____________________ .

10 . Ales is in bed with a nasty case of ( f ) ____________________ ( p ) ____________________ after eating some bad seafood .