Créer une activité
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1 . Peter is my friend . ____________________ lives in England . I met ____________________ a long time ago .
2 . Tina works as a secretary . ____________________ is married and has two children .
3 . It is Linda's birthday . We have a nice present to ____________________
4 . Paul and Jim go to London every year . ____________________ want to improve their English .
5 . Mary is my best friend . I always receive a letter from ____________________ .
6 . Henry and I sometimes go on a trip to the USA . ____________________ have a wonderful time .
7 . The cat always breaks things . ____________________ is very naughty and I have to punish ____________________ .
8 . Our friends live in Barcelona . ____________________ often come to visit ____________________ .
9 . Alan , who lives abroad , phones his parents to tell ____________________ that ____________________ is getting married in June .