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I am a student. If you refuse to let me help you, tell me.

If you need help, please ring this bell.

Hello, my name is Maria and I am a student.

How long have you been in the hospital?

Has anyone come to visit you?

Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Can you understand Spanish?

You are Mr. John, right?

Si necessites ajuda, si us plau, truca al timbre.

Hola, el meu nom és Maria i sóc una estudiant.

Vostè és el senyor John, veritat?

Quant de temps porta a l'hospital?

Bon dia, ha dormit bé?

Entens el castellà?

Ha vingut algú a visitar-la?

Sóc una estudiant. Si no vol que l'atengui jo, digui-m'ho.