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1. Capofens
2. Seligman
3. Teasdale
4. Hopfield
5. Soomro
6. Kahn

used to reduce anxiety of flying phobia

this demonstrates supports for condensation which is evident in the process of dream work

Breman demonstrated support for this as he was unable to condition a child to be fearful of builiding blocks as they had no survival function

Re-lapse was assess over 60 weeks

They were given SSRIS and found this reduced their symptoms

found evidence that when the brain has too much information overload in the neural pathways, it condenses information

12- 25 weeks treatment of SD

believed that certain fears were necessary for survival i.e. biological preparedness

Examined the use of MCBT in recurrent episodes of depression

Found that benzodiazepines reduced symptoms of anxiety superior to placebos

followed 250 patients with anxiety over 8 weeks

this can be seen in ancient fears such as phobias of snakes and heights

145 participants assigned to either TAU , or mindfulness TAU

MCBT was beneficial for those individuals that had the most severe depression and recurrent episodes rather than one off episodes

This was effective for up to 3 months, therefore only demonstrating the short term fix of the treatment

in vivo and in vitro was beneficial in reducing symptoms

examination 17 individuals suffering from OCD