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1 In case of floods of outdoors
2 Enunciate and evaluate the conditions of risk in relation buildings with the means available
3 It is a set of measures to deal with situations of risk, minimizing the effects on people and goods they may arise and ensuring the safe evacuation its occupants, if necessary
4 If personnel trained in First Aid in case of fire are not available, as a minimum, you should use the
5 In case of emergency it is necessary to close one
6 When a warning is issued by sirens or other means, in case of earthquake. you should do
7 Close off unneeded rooms or areas. and put Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors
8 external risk factor, with respect to the exposed subject or system, represented by the potential occurrence of an event of natural or caused by human activity, which can manifest in a specific place with a specific intensity and duration