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1. Liver
2. Stomach
3. Kidneys
4. Lungs
5. Brain
6. Heart

It stores lots of information, called memory.

It is a large organ located next to the stomach

They supply our body with oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.

It controls the sugar level, helps in protein synthesis, breaks down the fat and helps to remove waste products from our body.

It pumps blood and sends it to our whole body.

It is one of the most important organ of our body.

They get rid of waste products carried in the blood

They check out the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that we get from our food.

We use them to breathe in and out

It stores the food which we eat and pass it on to the small intestine for digestion

It sends signals to our body to read, write, run, feel hot or cold.

In here, the food gets broken down.