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How to use QR codes instead of links to share Educaplay games

Create them with a right-click of your mouse in Chrome, or use an online tool

Romà Rofes May 25, 2021

With QR codes your students can play Educaplay activities from their cellphone or tablet without you needing to send them a link or make them use the search console.

If you are using Chrome to browse this, right click with your mouse over this very website you are reading.

Choose the option “Create a QR code for this page“.

Another way to do this is clicking the search bar and then the icon that appears on the right side.

If you don’t use Chrome, there are a lot of online tools to do it, like QR Code Generator or Uniqode’s Dynamic QR Code Generator.

Scan it with the camera of your phone or tablet, as if you were to take a picture of it

Now open your cellphone or tablet’s camera and point it to the code Chrome or Qr Code Generator created to scan it, like if you were to take a close picture of it.

Most cellphones and tablets scan those codes automatically or after turning the option on in their camera app.

When that is not the case, you just need to download a simple app like QR Code Reader.

Scanning the code this way, you will load this page on that device without you needing to send it.

You can do the same to share an Educaplay activity: open it, create a QR code, enlarge it in your screen, and make your students scan it with their device to play it.

Three other ways you can use QR codes with Educaplay

You can give QR codes other uses apart from projecting them on a blackboard or screen. Here you have 3 of them:

· Print them as part of a worksheet so they complete the activity at home or in class leaning on the materials in that worksheet.

· Turn any place into a gymkhana or an Escape Room where they have to look around to complete the activities you put all over the place in form of papers with QR codes.

· Create a die with six different activities, and make the luck decide which game they have to play.

Of course, you can use all these strategies not only with Educaplay activities, but with any tool you can think of. We write this post in hopes of inspiring you.

Take into account that it is posible to generate codes to open pictures, texts, PDFs, or even MP3 audio files, so there are many thinks you can do with them.

Reach us at for any questions or comments.

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