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My mother is ____________________ English teacher . I am ____________________ student . When I get home from school , I watch ____________________ programs on TV . That is ____________________ best part of my day . ____________________ programs I watch are for ____________________ children . I am ____________________ child , so I think they are funny .
I'm ____________________ little excited because it's ____________________ Friday . There are ____________________ lot of good shows on TV today . I usually ____________________ one I watch is at 3 : 30 . It's about ____________________ animals . Also , I'm excited today because my mother is making ____________________ rice for dinner .
Later , after eating dinner and doing my homework , I go to my room and read ____________________ book for 30 minutes . Then , I turn off ____________________ light and go to ____________________ bed .

Adapted from :
https : / / www . englishcurrent . com / exercises / study - articles - exercises - online /