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Functions of langage

find the words! there are some clues...

1.____ must be investigated in all the variety of its function.
2._____ before this function we must define its place among the other functions of lg.
3.the ______ sends a message to the addresser. be operative the message requires a______
5._____common to addresser or to the addressee.
6.____is a physical channel and psychological connection between the addresser and the addressee.
7.each of this 6 factors determines a different_______ of language.
8.______function focused on the addresser, aims a direct expression of the speakers attitude toward what he is speaking about.
9.______in a langage is presented by the interjections.
10._______function finds its purest grammatical expresiion in the vocative and imperative.
11. the traditional model of lg was confined to these three functions: ______,_______,_______
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