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I usually ____________________ up at 6 . 30 a . m . I ____________________ ____________________ at about 6 . 40 a . m . and get ready to ____________________ to the gym . I work out one hour every day . After finishing doing exercise , I ____________________ a shower and ____________________ back home . When I ____________________ home , I ____________________ a big breakfast and then I get ready to ____________________ to school . I ____________________ school at 10 . 00 a . m .
I ____________________ the house at 9 . 30 a . m . I drive to school and I usually get there at about 9 . 50 a . m . I ____________________ school at 3 . 00 p . m . I drive back home and I ____________________ lunch . I usually have some a sandwich and some fruit .
I spend the rest of the afternoon at home . I ____________________ the housework , I ____________________ dinner , I ____________________ dinner and then I ____________________ a book or ____________________ videos online .