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Daisy Bates

Governor Orval Faubus

Little Rock Central High School

President Eisenhower



Ernest Green

Brown vs. Board of Education


"The Lost Year"



the first African American to graduate from Central High School

the bringing of people together; such as people of different skin colors.

This person called on the U.S. Army to protect and escort the students in the school.

was a civil rights activist who recruited and mentored the Little Rock Nine

The high school the Little Rock Nine integrated.

means that something is not in agreement with what the United States Constitution says.

a large group of people, usually angry and trying to cause trouble.

this person called the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the Little Rock Nine from entering Central on the first day of class.

The year that all of the high schools in Little Rock were closed to stop any more attempts at integration.

a person who advises and trains others.

the forced separation or certain people, commonly because of skin color.

The year that the Little Rock Nine integrated Central High School.

The historic Supreme Court case that ruled segregation unconstitutional.